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IBM, Samsung and Hynix-Grandis report STT-MRAM research progress

Submitted by Ron Mertens on

During the International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM) exhibition we got some updates about STT-MRAM research done at IBM, Samsung and Hynix-Grandis (who are researching STT-MRAM together).

IBM is working together with TDK and has presented a new 4-kbit perpendicular STT-MRAM array using tunnel junctions. Samsung has presented an on-axis MRAM with a novel MTJ, which they say open he way towards sub-30nm scaling. Using ferromagnetic electrode and a different MTJ structure design, Samsung think that they can scale this to a sub-20nm level.

Hynix and Grandis are building a compact STT-RAM device that uses modified DRAM processes at 54nm. They are using an in-plane MTJ and not a perpendicular MTJ.