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Avalanche to commence volume pMTJ STT-MRAM production in early 2017

Submitted by Ron Mertens on

STT-MRAM developer Avalanche Technology announced that volume production of its pMTJ STT-MRAM chips on 300 mm wafers will begin in early 2017. Avalanche started to sample 32Mb and 64Mb STT-MRAM chips in 2015

Avalanche has entered into a manufacturing agreement with Sony Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (SSMC) for this volume production. Avalanche targets several markets, including Storage, Automotive, IoT and embedded applications. Avalanche will offer discrete MRAM chips from 4Mb to 64Mb in size.

In February 2016 Avalanche Technology raised $23 million and announced it has a substantial debt facility in place with Horizon Technology Finance.