Capres A/S

Last updated on Sun 09/06/2024 - 13:29
Company Type: 

CAPRES logoCapres A/S is a Danish company established in 1999 to develop and market a unique probe technology designed for in-line production monitoring in the semiconductor industry. The company was acquired by KLA and is now a wholly-owned subsidiary.

Capres, in collaboration with IBM developed a resistivity measurement technique to characterize MTJ stacks used in HDD read heads and MRAM devices.


The Capres CIPTech tool (Current In Plane Tunneling Technique) enables a very fast non-destructive characterization of Magnetic Tunnel Junctions, STT-MRAM, MRAM and HDD read heads. The tool allows for auto extraction of MR/RA without sample patterning.

In October 2016, we posted an interview with the company's CEO.

Company Address

Diplomvej 373
2800 Kongens Lyngby