Micromem Technologies Inc. Announces a High Density Array Magnetic Anomaly Sensor Development Plan

Micromem Technologies is pleased to announce its Magneto-resistive random access memory (MRAM) is a highly probable candidate for the  universal memory, characterized mainly by high speed (read/write), high density and non-volatility. Micromem has designed a new process architecture for MRAM. We are pleased to announce that our foundry tests have demonstrated a number of valuable advantages for a magnetic-based sensor and memory device: including high sensitivity, thermal stability and simplicity and low cost manufacturing.

"We demonstrated that hysterisis -free operation can be expected for systems incorporating our technology, dynamic range and linear field response is now characterized to depend upon material and geometry and the active element of our Hall cross sensor is the intersection of the Hall bars which can be miniaturized to the lithography limits. No change in sensitivity was detected with the line when reduced from 10 to 0.1 micron."

Micromem now has a new and highly sensitive Hall device fabricated via a simplified process. The comp any has demonstrated that a unique shape of the device design represents the optimum concentration of the sensitivity of the sensor, the measurement range and the overall size of the chip. Initial testing indicates a sensitivity of 2.2 V/T with a minimal bias voltage; the lowest detectable field is 0.2 micro-T, and the linearity of better than 1% in the measurement range. Micromem has patented the unique shape of our sensor with particular emphasis on magnetic yoke form factor and its orientation relative to the Hall sensor.

In addition Micromem announces today that it has released to a third party the design and manufacture of a high-density magnetoresisitve sensor array. This design will focus on the innovative use of magnetism, electronics and nanotechnology. The company believes this sensor has market value in military, medical, forensic and human interface applications. The 256 x 256 sensor array is planned as a demonstration of the flexibility of non-invasive capabilities of magnetic anomaly detection, combined with the ability to measure absolute field strengths in Oersteds/Gauss.

Posted: Feb 20,2008 by Ron Mertens