December 2013

ISI launches a Gen3 Pulser module for the WLA-3000STT-MRAM Analyzer

Integral Solutions International (ISI) announced a new module the WLA-3000 STT-MRAM Wafer Level Analyzer, the Gen3 Pulser. The new module is optimally matched with its proprietary probecard interface to produce programmable pulses as low as 5nS, with in-situ ability to perform ultra-fast measurements on the MTJs after pulsing.

The tester can be equipped with either the single or dual-channel pulse generator modules for improved UPH. The Gen3 Pulser module was redesigned to speed up Pulse related tests by an order of magnitude and features new Error Rate test (it can measure Error Rate of 10^6 in approximately 2 seconds). It is noew possible to characterize error rate as a function of VBias, Pulse Width/Amplitude, Field and other sweep parameters.

Read the full story Posted: Dec 14,2013

Toshiba's new STT-MRAM based computing architecture to enable drastically faster and more efficient CPUs

Toshiba announced a new computing architecture that uses only STT-MRAM to perform both operations and storage. The idea support computing capability, register file, primary cache and secondary cache all on the same perpendicular STT-MRAM, and Toshiba says it could lead to CPUs that are drastically faster and more efficient.

Toshiba explains that in the new architecture, the results of operations (answers) that correspond to combinations of certain inputs are prepared in advance in the form of a table and stored in the memory. In response to an input, an answer is read out of the memory. This is equivalent to an operation carried out by a CPU. Because the computation answer is read once, it drastically improves processing speed and power consumption.

Read the full story Posted: Dec 12,2013